Monday, July 28, 2008

WWII Vet Dies After Receiving Honorable Discharge

An 83-year-old World War II veteran died hours after receiving a long awaited honorable discharge from the Army.Samuel Snow of Leesburg was one of 28 black soldiers falsely convicted of starting a World War II riot that led to the lynching of an Italian prisoner of war at an Army base in Seattle.The Army formally apologized Saturday. The soldiers' convictions were set aside, their dishonorable discharges were changed to honorable discharges and they and their survivors were awarded back pay for their time in the brig.Snow had planned to attend the ceremony but wound up in a Seattle hospital instead because of a problem with his pacemaker. He died early Sunday morning, hours after his son told him about the apology ceremony.

I can only say ONE word --- SAD...

Something similar happened on one of the recent Honor Flight weekends... A WWII veteran flew to DC with a 124 other vets and passed away the day after he returned... Found out he had been SO looking forward to going on that trip...

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